SV sfa

Round 1 applications are now closed and Round 2 applications will open in August 2024. New submissions wont be accepted. *Please do not use this form*


Privacy Collection Notice - 

Solar Victoria is committed to protecting personal information provided by you in accordance with the privacy principles in the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic). The information you provide will be used to assess your eligibility and administer your grant application for the Solar for Apartments program. If all requested information is not received, Solar Victoria will be unable to assess your application.  

The personal information in this form will be disclosed to relevant Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) staff and may be used to inform  Members of Parliament and their staff of successful applications. Where you do not provide the information required by this form we may be unable to process your application. For more information, please refer to Solar Victoria’s privacy page

You may access the information you have provided to Solar Victoria via email or call our Customer Service team on 1300 376 393 between 9:00am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays).

Program Guidelines

You must read the eligibility requirements for the Solar for Apartments Program (the Program) to proceed.

Applicant Organisation

Property Address - Physical

Postal Address -  (if different from above)


Primary Contact

Name of person making the application.

I am submitting this application as a representative of:

Applicant Organisation Contacts

Owners Corporation Authorised Primary contact (if different from the name provided above)

Owners Corporation Authorised Secondary contact (eg. Committee Chairperson or Manager).


Program Eligibility Requirements

Eligible Customer

To be eligible for funds under the Program the eligible customer must :

a.     be a Victorian ‘tier three owners corporation’ or ‘tier four owners corporation’, as defined by the Owners Corporations Act 2006 (Vic) (in summary, these are OCs that consist of 3 to 50 occupiable lots and are not a ‘services only owners corporation’; and

b.     have not previously received a grant under this program. 

Eligible Properties

To be eligible for funding under the Program, the building must:

a.     be no more than 8 storeys tall;

b.     be a completed development at the time of application;

c.     be a Class 2 domestic building under the National Construction Code;1

d.     have a median capital improved apartment value that does not exceed $950,000;2

e.     have not had a solar (PV) system installed in the last ten years;3 and

f.     be located in the State of Victoria.

1 See the Victorian Building Authorities website for more information.
2 Please note, where applicants are unsure of their apartment value,  Solar Victoria will confirm eligibility
3 The OC may apply for funding to install solar PV for residential lots not already connected to an existing system.

Eligible System

To be eligible for funding under the Program, the proposed solar PV system must:

a.     supply power to a minimum of 5 residential lots, and no more than 50 lots;

b.     demonstrate an annualised return on investment of 10% or higher (i.e. the payback period for the total purchase and installation cost is 10 years          or less);

c.     equitably share the benefits of the installation with participating residents;

d.     limit the energy supplied to the building’s common area to the equal proportion available to each residential lot;

e.     directly supply power to residential lots behind the meter;

f.      be installed on parts of the roof that are common property;

g.     use products from Solar Victoria’s Eligible Products list, or otherwise expressly agreed to by Solar Victoria;

h.     use Solar Victoria authorised solar retailers and accredited installers, or otherwise use retailers and installers expressly agreed to by Solar                    Victoria.

Project Overview

Having an existing Solar System less than 10 years old makes you not eligible for the program

Project Budget

Supporting Documentation

(Quote, Feasibility Study, Additional Documents)

Initial Application Approval

SV sfa Placeholder

Solar for Apartments Final Application Form for Project Approval

Introduction and Privacy

Privacy Collection Notice - 

Solar Victoria is committed to protecting personal information provided by you in accordance with the privacy principles in the Privacy and Data Protection Act 201 4 (Vic). The inf ormation you provide will be used to assess your eligibility and administer your grant application for the Solar for Apartme nts program. If all requested information is not received, Solar Victoria will be unable to assess your application.  

The personal information in this form will be disclosed to relevant Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) staff and may be used to inform  Members of Parliament and their staff of successful applications. Where you do not provide the information required by this form we may be unable to process your application. For more information, please refer to Solar Victoria’s privacy page

You may access the information you have provided to Solar Victoria via email or call our Customer Service team on 1300 376 393 between 9:00am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays).

Applicant Organisation Details

Owners Corporation Authorised Primary Contact

Send code

Owners Corporation Authorised Secondary contact (eg. Committee Chairperson or Manager).


Property Details
Project Details
This can be found on your quote or by speaking to you Authorised Retailer
Refer to Authorised Solar Retailer quote
Refer to Authorised Solar Retailer quote
Project Budget

From the Authorised Solar Retailer quote, please provide the following:

Supporting Documentation

The bank form is to be completed with the Owners Corporation bank details.

Please Note: The entity name on the bank form must be an exact match to the ABN entity name. You can use ABN look up to confirm your entity name

Final Application Approval